Strengths Finder: I'm a learner

I'll admit that before I was given the StrengthsFinder 2.0 book, I had never even heard of Don Clifton, strengths psychology or the Gallup StrengthsFinder assessment. However, after taking the assessment and getting a full picture of my personal strengths and how I can use them to my benefit, I'm now wondering why it took me so long to discover this. I mean, it's kind of mind blowing how accurate it is while also being incredibly eye opening. I had an idea of my own strengths, but I didn't know exactly which ones were strongest, or even which ones could be considered strengths at all.
Please note, this is NOT an advertisement for the StrengthsFinder assessment, and I'm not making any money by writing about it. I'm just really impressed with the concept and want to share my results. So, with that being said, take a look at my strengths below!
1. Learner
People who are especially talented in the Learner theme have a great desire to learn and want to continuously improve. In particular, the process of learning, rather than the outcome, excites them.
What makes you stand out?
Instinctively, you are scholarly, especially when you have an important goal to reach. You are willing to examine relevant topics for extended periods of time. You are determined to satisfy your need for knowledge as well as your desire to make measurable progress. It’s very likely that you dedicate yourself to acquiring knowledge and using your skills. You likely are self-taught in many ways. You probably work with instructors, trainers, coaches, or mentors. You embrace opportunities to expose your mind to new ideas. You welcome the chance to practice new ways of plying — that is, diligently practicing — your trade or craft. Driven by your talents, you generally rely on reason to determine how an event, decision, or condition led to an outcome. You usually desire to understand how things converge to produce the final result. Chances are good that you routinely gather historical facts or artifacts — that is, pictures, tools, books, artwork, correspondence, or documents. You often wait to determine whether this information is useful. Your interest in history probably has no purpose other than to answer your own questions. You are simply intrigued by the past and its people. The future starts to take shape in your mind as soon as you begin to rummage through your collection of historic truths and objects. Because of your strengths, you yearn to be inspired by your work. You want experience to be your teacher. You need to feel enthused by your work or studies. You constantly acquire knowledge and skills. Whenever you study facts, ponder concepts, test theories, or sharpen your skills, you feel most alive. You are inclined to avoid people and situations that prevent you from expanding your mind.
2. Analytical
People who are especially talented in the Analytical theme search for reasons and causes. They have the ability to think about all the factors that might affect a situation.
What makes you stand out?
It’s very likely that you automatically double check your work. You want to understand how one idea or fact links neatly to whatever precedes and follows it. Because of your strengths, you enjoy the company of thoughtful historians. You carefully listen as they unravel the mysteries contained in historic documents, diaries, speeches, events, artifacts, or data. You probably admire the way they isolate the essential facts and discard irrelevant, nonfactual information. Chances are good that you genuinely enjoy activities when just about everything makes sense. You naturally gravitate to tasks where facts, events, processes, or ideas are methodically outlined. By nature, you commonly are sought out for advice by individuals who appreciate your methodical thinking style. Your approach often prevents people from being distracted by their own or someone else’s emotions. You probably help them concentrate on the facts more than on their feelings. Instinctively, you may like to talk about grand ideas with your coworkers, classmates, or teammates. Perhaps you force them to ask hard questions. How much will this cost? Can we raise the funds? How many people will need to be involved? How do we break down the project into manageable tasks? How much time will this job require? What has to be eliminated from the plan? What has to be changed?
3. Achiever
People who are especially talented in the Achiever theme have a great deal of stamina and work hard. They take great satisfaction from being busy and productive.
What makes you stand out?
Chances are good that you place a premium on acquiring various kinds of knowledge and skills. You see definite links between your hard work and your accelerated growth as a person or as a professional. By nature, you might want to be the very best in certain fields or activities. Maybe you realize that excellence is the result of not only hard work, but also of top quality materials and people. This partially explains why you devote yourself to some activities but not to others. It’s very likely that you usually pay very close attention to what people have to say. You realize listening is not a passive activity. You normally ignore distractions, avoid interrupting the speaker, take notes, and even memorize critical information. Because of your strengths, you probably expend a lot of energy to hold back your tears. You worry that individuals will think poorly of you when they see you cry. Driven by your talents, you are a real stickler for completing work on schedule. You certainly dislike turning in assignments late or arriving at meetings after they have started.
4. Relator
People who are especially talented in the Relator theme enjoy close relationships with others. They find deep satisfaction in working hard with friends to achieve a goal.
What makes you stand out?
It’s very likely that you consistently measure up to your high expectations when working, studying, or playing. Driven by your talents, you fill your mind with new ideas by asking questions, reading, studying, observing, or listening. Normally, you accumulate facts, data, stories, examples, or background information from the people you meet. Determining what they want to accomplish in the coming weeks, months, or years generally satisfies your curiosity. These insights also allow you to understand why individuals behave they way they do in different situations. Chances are good that you sometimes notice that people you know seek you out. They might ask for your viewpoint or position on specific issues. By nature, you thoughtfully select your friends. You avoid rushing into relationships. Once you trust and care about someone, the individual probably seeks your counsel. Because of your strengths, you have close companions who frequently seek your guidance. You help them find answers to their personal and professional problems. This makes you a valuable friend.
5. Focus
People who are especially talented in the Focus theme can take a direction, follow through, and make the corrections necessary to stay on track. They prioritize, then act.
What makes you stand out?
It’s very likely that you channel your mental and physical energies toward what you can accomplish in the months, years, or decades ahead. The question you must answer is this: “How far into the future can I think before my ideas start becoming vague or uninspiring?” Chances are good that you sometimes become a bit frustrated with people who have few clear goals. Perhaps these individuals remind you that ill-defined objectives seldom are realized. If this thought crosses your mind, you might decide to concentrate more of your mental or physical energy on reaching specific goals you have set for yourself. By nature, you periodically establish performance targets for the week. Once in a while, you think about what your life could be like in the future. Some of these forward-looking images may motivate or energize you to meet your weekly goals. Perhaps you do better work when you can concentrate on your near-term objectives. Instinctively, you occasionally seek to control the circumstances of your life. Perhaps you choose to work on tasks by yourself so you can determine what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. Group decision-making may frustrate you. Driven by your talents, you now and then push yourself to be the best or to finish first. You might gain an advantage when you can dictate how the game will be played or how a project will be organized. Perhaps you prefer to be in charge of your work, studies, or life in general.
If you haven't taken the assessment and want to, you can purchase an access code from the Gallup Strengths Center.