Portfolio: Design
Infographic: New York School + Postmodernism

This was a project through UNK's VCD program that encouraged students to research two design styles and combine them. The piece is made of three separate 10" x 10" canvases which must look complete alone but also come together to make one larger cohesive piece. The left piece is comprised of New York School design, the right is Post Modern, and the middle is my interpretation of a blending of the two.
The final product was printed and displayed in the art building's busy corridor to inform and engage those who passed through.
Actual size: 30" x 10"
Client: University of Nebraska at Kearney: Visual Communication and Design Program
Date: Fall 2010
Project Checklist: Cohesive Design, Graphic Design History, Style Imitation, CMYK, Typography, Adobe InDesign